Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discuss the role of nature, its character and its significance in the Essay - 1

Discuss the role of nature, its character and its significance in the fellowship of the ring. from the book lord of the rings - Essay Example Nature has its own characterization that features a unique duality: one, ideal and benign; and, aggressively cruel in the other. The reader first learns about nature during Bilbo’s birthday celebration when village talk drifts towards the Old Forest, a â€Å"dark bad place† and unfit to be lived in. As the story unfolded later on, this side to nature would be reinforced by how Mirkwood and Fangorn were described. When Merry and Pippin, for instance, find themselves deep in the Fangorn Forest, their impression demonstrates the perceived hostility of the place. At one point, Pippin quips, â€Å"It is all very dim, and stuffy, in here† later on commenting about the â€Å"weeping, trailing, beards and whiskers of lichen,† underscoring the â€Å"frightfully tree-ish† environs wherein no animals or hobbits could endure. In the Fellowship of the Ring, the bad nature has been sufficiently covered. Gimli, at some point in the quest remarks about the reputation of Caradhras as a cruel mountain and that, true to the stories, it has, indeed, attempted to impede their quest as well. Then there is, of course, Old Man Willow who lulls the Hobbits to sleep and traps Merry and Pippin inside. Without the intervention of Tom Bombadill, they would have been eaten and crushed. Tom admonished the miscreant tree, saying â€Å"you should not be waking. Eat earth! Dig deep! Drink water! Go to sleep!† According to Treebeard, later on in the story in his conversation with his Hobbit friends, some trees â€Å"have bad hearts† as well and so when people are not friendly towards them, they become aggressive in response. The other character of nature is demonstrated in the way the author paints an ecological utopia such as that of the Shire. It is inhabited by peaceful creatures who loathe machines and are content with tilling the earth. This characterization is a potent demonstration of how nature at its best is supposed to be, untouched by man’s greed and abuse. Take for instance

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Delivering Learning Environment for Visual and Physical Impair Child Essay

Delivering Learning Environment for Visual and Physical Impair Child through Touch - Essay Example My main aim was to enable him to develop his tactile skills to stimulate his interest and ability to experience the world around him and motivate him to move outward in the first place. Through the assignment, I developed my own knowledge and understanding about the movement displayed by the pupil in respect of his visual and physical impairment. I also gained a greater insight into the relationship between his cognitive and physical abilities. I was able to highlight the reason why the pupil lacked the motivation to learn. Overall, I feel more able to incorporate the immediate environment and activities to overcome difficulties in accessing stimuli more effectively for the visual and physically impaired pupils. Pupil Z observation in class The sensory story began with an adult verbally indicating ‘it is time to go to the Chocolate factory’ and playing ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ introductory song on the plasma screen. Pupil Z was in his normal activ ity time positions, in his wheelchair with a table in front of him to access objects and equipment. Pupil Z worked one-to-one with an adult sitting on the side of his wheelchair. It was evident that Pupil Z was making head movements toward the source of sound and making arm movements at the sides of his chair. Next an adult leading the activity asked ‘who wants a golden ticket to go to factory?’ and the shiny golden tickets were passed around to each pupil to take one. It was evident that the smooth texture of the golden ticket was not very motivating for Pupil Z to explore co-actively with the adult support when the song ‘Golden ticket’ was played on the plasma screen. Instead Pupil Z was thoroughly enjoying listening to the song by smiling, laughing and making lots of intentional head movements rather than co-actively exploring the ticket. When the music stopped the adult leading the activity indicated ‘the train has arrived, all aboard’ and pupils were encouraged to give their tickets to an adult. The adult working with Pupil Z lifted his left arm and placed the golden ticket in his hand without any verbal indication. This lasted a few seconds before the adult released his left arm and took away the golden ticket. Pupil Z naturally seemed to have a very steamy look on his face. The sound track of the train raiding playing in the background seemed to have a very calming effect on him after experiencing this unexpected movement. When the pupils arrived at the chocolate room the adult leading the activity indicated ‘we are in the chocolate room’ and further added ‘what can you smell? what can you smell?’ All adults repeated ‘chocolate, chocolate, mmm mmm mmm!’ The two types of coco butter were passed around to be smelt. When Pupil Z was presented with the choice of two butters to smell he made a sound and after a brief period of time began lifting his arms. He used the tactile search to localise one of creams put on his table. Unfortunately, this cue was missed by an adult who passed this cream to another pupil to explore. When all the pupils had experienced the smell of the two coco butters it was time to explore ‘Chocolate River’. The plastic bowl with milkshake was passed around. Pupil Z was encouraged to co-actively hold the wooden spoon and stir the milkshake. It was evident that Pupil Z was not very motivated to hold the plastic bowl and make co-active stirring actions with the wooden spoon. Instead he was trying to dip his fingers in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What is a Good Life?

What is a Good Life? Human beings have an inherent drive and passion for finding absolution in what they deem the good life. For decades however, philosophers have struggled to argue a solid case for such. It can be suggested that many facets work in unison to allow a good life, but what is it that could give a unified answer to this great philosophical question? This essay will attempt to clarify such uncertainty, considering two perspectives of the good life. Firstly, are there any characteristics, needs, abilities and sorted other elements that are shared by all humans? Secondly, if there are elements which exist, then what do these require the good life to include, or what must the good life be like, given the properties we all share? To attain the answers to these questions, reference will be given to Natural Law, Virtue Theory, Eudaemonia and happiness. We are all striving towards it, the good life, happiness, well-being, a well-lived life, fulfilment. But what is it that makes us feel good? Though difficult to give a comprehensible definition, goodness is generally referred to as specific traits or properties of a real object or set of objects. More so, the concept of goodness can be divided into other, subsidiary concepts (Goodness and Value Theory, 2004). That is, a series of events which lead to innate goodness. In essence, both are deemed circular and leave no meaningful definition for discussion. The good life is a condition in which a person will be the most happy. Such happiness can be researched through a deductive perspective, which has been done by many philosophers over time (Wernqvist, 2007). Two such philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, deem the good life as the state in which a person exhibits total virtue. Throughout this essay, their works will be compared and contrasted to give clear argument to the meaning a good life for humans. Humans, their characteristics and their activities can be evaluated in relation to the parts they play in human life (Meyers-Levy, 2009). Alternatively saying, that every facet of human life can contribute to what is deemed good. Humans, being a subject of creation, ultimately entail goodness. Such a life is one in which actions someone does and feels leads to what is otherwise known as happiness. Such happiness is neither just an experience; nor is it found as a result of following moral laws. Rather, happiness is an activity. It is the events of the individual which lead to the life of good. INSERT REFERENCE Over time, philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle have tried to highlight the concept of goodness by defending various accounts. Such accounts do not require that a person who is well off merely experience any feelings of happiness or satisfaction. What they do require is that their desires are consciously fulfilled, which does not come down to the same thing (Angner, 2009). Plato argues that a person will exhibit total virtue when their desires have been quenched (Cooper and Hutchison, 1997), while Aristotle believes the perfect state of the individual will bring their ultimate virtue (Solomon, 1984). Cooper and Hutchinson (1997) write that Platos argument for the good life is stemmed from love because through this, individuals can rid themselves of desires. That is, love is actually the quest for that good. Aristotle argues that the good life is different for each individual because it comes from living ones life according to ones virtues, and each person has different virtues (Solomon, 1984). Through analysis of their works, both Plato and Aristotle agree the good life is a demonstration of perfect virtue. However, they disagree on the particular definition of virtue and its relationship to happiness. Therefore, both disagree on the ways of attaining such happiness. Plato sees the good life as being attained through the perfect love and lack of desire (Cooper and Hutchinson, 1997), while Aristotle believes that the good life is achieved through a perfect state which causes its citizens to act upon their virtues (Solomon, 1984). The original Platonic view of the world, (cited Cooper and Hutchinson, 1997) is that it is a two tiered place, the upper tier being the world of perfection, the lower tier being the world of reality, and love falling somewhere in between. The theory is that the plane of reality is an imperfect copy of the plane of perfection. According to the Platonic view, humans only see glimpses of the good while existing in the plane of reality. Plato believes that love is the midpoint between reality and perfection, mortality and immortality. Love does not fall into the sphere of immortals and perfection because how could love be a god if he is not in possession of beautiful and good things? Since Love is the love of beautiful things, Love must have desires and therefore cannot be a god Yet Love is greater than mortals because love has and always will exist. Thus Love is a great spirit, a halfway point between the realms of existence (Cooper and Hutchinson, 1997). To Plato, the good life is one in which a person is exhibits perfect virtue and is therefore closer to the higher realm of existence. Virtue is comes from the absence of desires, so true happiness means being satisfied to the point one does not have desires. This satisfaction and happiness occur when a person arrives at the mystical understanding of the world (Cooper and Hutchinson, 1997). According to Plato, through Diotima and Socrates dialogue, love is the medium in which humans will attain the knowledge of the good, and come upon this understanding. It is human nature to seek out happiness, and ownership of good things makes one happy. (Cooper and Hutchinson, 1997). Solomon (1984) illustrates that in order to show that happiness lies in virtue, Aristotle first splits forms of the good into three parts, external goods, goods of the body, and goods of the soul. He goes on to say that goods of the soul (virtues) are the most important because with them, a person can gain material wealth and pleasure. Aristotle defines happiness and therefore the good life as the realisation and perfect exercise of excellence. This is subsequently referred to as Eudaemonia. Aristotles view of such is typically regarded as an objective account of well-being. Nonetheless, subjective stances do evidently play some role in well-being even according to Aristotle (Phillips, 2005). This is where the existence of goodness becomes a subjective account, because it describes a persons well-being as a function of his or her feelings, experiences, desires, and so on, thus making it a conscious attribute of human life. From a basic Greek translation, Eudaemonia is that of supreme life with fulfilment and happiness, identified after ones death. Such life is built of variable actions of excellence which are both intrinsic and extrinsic in their nature (Urmson, 1988). Recognised, are three types of excellence by Aristotle. They are Bodily excellence, the excellence of Character and the excellence of Intelligence. Two of these excellences (character and intellect) fall within the realm of human choice and rationalism. Bodily excellence is paramount to Eudaemonia, however exhibits little reference in this context (Urmson, 1988). There are also a number of influences that determine such excellence, often as a result of our actions through life. Controlled intrinsic actions are separated into two forms: the Moral and the Intellectual. The Moral includes ones courage, piety, fairness and equality. The other form is that of Intellectual influences which include ones fine mind, wisdom and intuition. In contrast are ones extrinsic actions, which are often uncontrollable. They include our appearance, friends in high places (social connections) and wealth (Urmson, 1988). Our actions per sae can be defined as either a chain; those actions that help you attain an end which in turn leads to a further end or as a direct result; which is an action that helps you attain an end in itself. For supreme fulfilment, these actions work in unison with one another (Urmson, 1988). It is through such, as detailed by Urmson (1988) that happiness and fulfilment is an objective good, as opposed to a subjective state of living. This is not conditional, but absolute (Solomon, 1984). This in layman terms means ultimate happiness occurs when a persons actions are all virtuous and have goals which are virtuous. It also implies that in order to live the good life, there must be no action which is unnecessary, but for the sake of virtue. This implies that the good life must be a universal goal because unless all people are perfectly virtuous, action must be taken to maintain virtue for those who are not virtuous. Take for example, ones ambition to become a Primary School Principal. It is through relevant studies and experience that the individual is able to achieve such a goal. Though there may be monetary benefits for holding such position, it is not something that would drive the individual to achieve. Their character and intelligence hold the greatest motivation for fulfilment. Such an example utilises Aristotles Eudaemonic theory of unison between chained and direct actions as well as the forms of excellence, as previously adhered to. Basing such a goal on pleasurable or political instincts, such as salary or power, is not a means by which Aristotle would deem leading a fulfilled Eudaemonic life. There are however three things that make men good and excellent; these are nature, habit and reason (Solomon, 1984). The road to happiness is through formation of habit and reason which create virtuous action, in addition to possessing a nature that compliments them. Both Plato and Aristotle see happiness as being virtuous, but disagree on the nature of virtue, causing their ideas to follow varied paths. They do however meet at key points. Plato sees happiness as being close to godliness. By living virtuously one can obtain this godliness (Cooper and Hutchinson, 1997). To Aristotle, happiness is the result of being virtuous because by being so, one obtains pleasure and external wealth (Solomon, 1984). Plato and Aristotle further agree that education is the means to attain virtue, but they disagree on how a person should be educated because of their differing views on the cause of virtue. According to Aristotle (Solomon, 1984), virtue comes from the agreement of the nature, habits and reason in a humans conscience. Therefore, Aristotle states that education should begin from birth and it should involve changing the childs habits and forming his reason so that their nature, habits and reason will align. Plato believes that virtue stems from an understanding of true Beauty, which exists only in the higher plane of the world. Thus Plato believes that education of a human being should begin when the child is ready to love another. Platos ideal education involves bringing a person along by having him experience different forms of love between people, so that he may begin to love physical beauty and then beauty of the mind. Through this he sees the beauty in all things and eventually, with guidance understands all forms of beauty, ultimately understanding formless beauty (Cooper and Hutchinson, 1997). Another key agreement between Plato and Aristotle is the importance of interpersonal relationships in the quest for the good life. Both agree that interpersonal relationships account for the education of individuals, but Aristotle goes further because he sees attaining the good life as societal. He recognizes that if one is forced to take action because of others misdeeds, he cannot lead the good life, and therefore each person must be equal to the next so that nobody has to act on account of another (Cooper and Hutchinson, 1997). Human happiness is the foremost concern for both Plato and Aristotle in their works of literature. Since happiness is almost a universal emotion their conclusions on the cause of happiness is similar. But, Plato and Aristotle are completely different individuals, so the causes of their happiness are, at the same time, completely different. In personal evaluation, I am inclined to side with Aristotles point of view for ultimate fulfilment. It is through the result of actions of excellence (both direct and chained) that we can demonstrate our way of life. This in turn fortifies perceptions of us having led a fulfilled and happy life. If one opted to follow fulfilment through mere pleasurable circumstances, i.e. because the money is good, then in Aristotles eyes, their life would be one deemed lavish, suitable for beasts pulled by desire and compulsion. Happiness cannot be placed on material things. It is a matter of setting a goal and looking past the superficial things that stand in the way. It is therefore relevant to say that to lead a flourishing life, one needs to take ownership of the actions which lead to their lifelong goal. Actions often speak louder than words do. We as humans should do whatever it takes to produce the most fulfilment for ourselves. There is a distinct difference between feeling happy and merely being happy.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Richard III Essays: Richard III as a Rapist :: Free Essay Writer

Richard III as a Rapist Yes, King Richard/Duke of Gloucester masters the art of seduction in his wooing of Lady Anne. And when I say, "masters the art," I guess I mean that he achieves his conquest. But is seduction really the prevailing theme throughout Richard III? I propose that we be careful when we say that Richard is a great seducer, for is it seduction or rape when one's consent is not given? For instance, Lord Hastings, the Duke of Clarence, the young princes, Queen Margaret, and other seeming "seducees," were they seduced or forced? Most interesting to me, would be the Duke of Buckingham. I really can't determine which side of the issue he falls on. I would be most apt to consider him a disloyal, dishonest, money-grubbing, power mongerish, usurper if anything. And would almost admit that he could be conned into doing just about anything if there were to be some gain for his own. He begins his part in the play with thoughts of "atonement" (I.iii.36). He cries, "peace, peace, for shame! If not for charity" to the Queen Margaret when she beseeches him to "take heed of yonder dog [Richard]" (I.iii.272,288). Then when Richard asks him what Queen Margaret is saying, he replies with, "Nothing that I respect, my gracious Lord" (I.iii.294). THEN, what is up with his speech of loyalty to King Edward? He goes on and on about how if he should EVER be "cold in love," to the King and his family, then "deep, treacherous, and full of guile" should he be (I.iv.38-40). He goes straight from this loyalty to committing Lord Rivers, Lord Grey and Sir Thomas Vughan to prison. He rants and raves at the Cardinal for not tearing the young Duke of York from his mother's arms. Finally he engineers the death of Hastings with Gloucester/Richard and sets everything into motion for his coronation. Is he seduced, is he forced, or does he just do what he wishes on whim, hoping that in the end, everything will turn out for his ultimate gain? I suppose the answer to my question lies in the dialogue betwixt the newly crowned King Richard and Buckingham, when Buckingham is confronted with the assignment of killing the two young princes. If Buckingham could have made known his intentions to the King then we would know if he was a seducee, or a forced man.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Looking for Alibrandi Sumary

chapter 29 summary Josie at speech night. Speech night was a very emotional night, the HSC was almost over and it would be the last time that they would be wearing their uniform. â€Å"I’m only Dux because I didn’t want you to be† she told me. When josie went to the ladies she bumps into Ivy and they start to talk to each other about how close they were to john and that they didn’t know what could have caused him to commit suicide, in the end Josie and Ivy hug each other and Josie tells Ivy that if they ever go to the same university that if they bumped into each other they would go out for a cappuccino.In this chapter we get to see that Ivy and Josie can get along when they choose to be and even though they had there ups and downs they still ended up as good friends, just the way that john hoped it would be like. chapter 28 summary Josie is hit with a shocking surprise.When Josie went to school the next day she sees Ivy sitting on the stairs holding her h ead in her hands and Josie asks her what was wrong then Ivy tells her that John was dead but Josie thought that it was a joke when Ivy told her but then when she saw anna come up to her and hold her in her arms and say that she was very sorry josie had to go to the ladies room and she vomited and then when she was done she fell to the ground and she felt like she wanted to cry but she couldn’t because she was so angry. â€Å"he killed himself. â€Å"He swallowed tablets and they found him this morning. † â€Å"For God’s sake, josie, he’s dead, my father wrote the fucking autopsy report. † In this chapter we get to see that josie and ivy have so much in common because they both loved john and they both cared about him so much, we also get to see that josie has a lot of fear in her because she is to scared to die and she never wants her family to die because she loves them so much. chapter 27 summary Josie goes to watch her cousin robert play at his rugby union game.While at the game josie bumps into john who was also watching the game and asks josie what she was doing at the game, she said that she bribed her cousin because if she went to his game he had to take her to the St. Anthony’s graduation. â€Å"Oh yes, where only the privileged can attend. I promised Ivy when we were about twelve I think. † In this chapter we get to see that josie and john get along very well and that they both like each other but they were both to shy to tell each other that they did when they were younger. chapter 26 summaryJosie forgives her grandmother for doing what she did over thirty years ago. â€Å"your grandfather francesco treated me like one of his farm animals. † Josie and her friends were going to go to Anna’s to do some last minute studying for the HSC but when the bus came Josie say’d to her friends that she would miss out and instead she went to her grandmothers house. When Josie got to her grandmo thers house she gave her the biggest hug she has ever given and she cried her guts out, when they sat down in the living room Josie asks why?And then her grandmother tells her more of what happened and because of that she starts to resent her nonno a bit because of what he did to nonna katia. In this chapter Josie learns that her grandmother had dreams like her and that she did what she did because she was angry with francesco and only him because he had left her alone for so long. chapter 25 summary Josie  and her family celebrate her mothers birthday. Josie lets her mother go to her cousins house and stays at her grandmothers house and then she blows her top off at her grandma and finds out that marcus sandford is her mother’s father and not her nonno.In this chapter we get to see that Josie dislikes her grandmother for doing what she did and she has been telling her that australians are bad and she should go out with an italian man instead. chapter 24 summary Jacob wants to meet Josie's grandmother. When Josie and Jacob are walking down the stairs she sees her grandmother and Jacob tells Josie that he wants to meet her because he thought it would be nice but Josie repeatedly says no because she has just earned her grandmothers trust again and she doesn't want to lose that. â€Å"My grandmother wouldn't understand, jacob. give it time. he was brought up in a different time and place . i know it's hard enough for you to understand. It's hard enough for me. † In this chapter we get to see that Josie feels kind of ashamed of her grandmother because her grandmother always to carry on with her family tradition. we also get to see that Josie and Jacob don't always have the right things to say to each other. chapter 23 summary Josie gets to understand her grandmother more than she has ever before. Josie learns that her grandmother was a very lonely person when she moved to australia because nonno had to work and he worked on the cain farms when they lived in Queensland. He came to see me though. he said that it would his heart if i would leave. i could see it in his eyes. but if i stayed i knew i would break my heart. † In this chapter we get to see Josie and her grandmother really close to each other, we also get to see that Josie is interested in what her grandmothers life was like when she first moved to Australia. chapter 22 summary Josie and her mum have a splurge day. they decided to go to one of the harbourside restaurants and although the weather was cool, it wasn't wet enough to ruin the view. â€Å"he's ultra cool, you know.Not cool as though he drives a sports car and dresses trendy, but he's a cool guy, he's up front. No bull. † â€Å"take things slowly, and they will work out. † this chapter reveal that christina was treated very badly by her father when she was pregnant and even before that, he called her every name under the sun, a tramp, a slut. he even hit me across the face and even hit my mother. chapter 21 summary Josie goes to the movies with John Barton to see Macbeth. While at the movies they bump into Jacob and he tries to have a go at John because Josie and Jacob are going out, but in Jacobs eyes that s not what it looks like. Well,, for your information, Miss Intellectual, we're studying Macbeth at school and that's what i'm going to see tonight,so never ever presume what i like and what i don't like. † In this chapter we get to see that Jacob gets jealous when Josie goes out with other friends that are boys, we also get to see that they both can get pissed of very easily with each other. if Josie had the option to go out with John and not Jacob she would but the only thing from stopping her is that he isn't that fun as Jacob but he shares so many things in  common with Josie and Jacob doesn't. chapter 20 summaryJosie is put in charge of keeping an eye on he little students at St Martha's on their annual Walk-a-thon that they have every year to celebr ate St Martha's day. While Josie is supposed to be looking after the slow people she instead goes with her friends to see Trey Hancock at the Sebel Town House. The next day Sister  Louise calls the girls into her office but dismisses three of them and tells Josie to stay behind. â€Å"Ivy doesn't have â€Å"one offs†. She's   responsible from the moment she walks into school till the moment she walks out. † â€Å"You were voted school captain but i gave the job to Ivy because she'd do a better job. In this chapter we find out that Josie was supposed to be school captain instead of Ivy, we also learn that Josie loves to do what her friends do and that she and her friends are trend setters for all the little people of St Martha's. chapter 19 summary Tomato Day! Josie and her family have a tradition that they have to make their own pasta and sauce to go with it, this is when the whole tomato thing comes into place every year on a specific day all the family comes tog ether and they pick tomatoes for the sauce, they squash them by hand and then cook them and then squash them again and then cook them one last time.Robert and I call this day â€Å"Wog day† or â€Å"National Wog day†. Nonna and Zia started to tell the story about Marcus Sandford and how he helped them with the garden while the men where at camp. â€Å"I thought that maybe by spoke to someone they would feel sorry for us and send us back one man. Maybe all our husbands. † This chapter reveals that Josie and her family get on very well when they aren’t fighting and telling others what to do and how to do it, we also get to see that Josie’s family loves to carry out tradition. chapter 18 summaryJacob surprises Josie by getting a car so they can go places instead of having to ride on his motorbike. â€Å"Tons of things ,† I said excited. â€Å"We could form a company. I’d be the theory part of the business and you’d be the practic al. † This chapter reveals that Josie believes that she can have a wonderful life with Jacob but at the same time she doesn’t as well because she doesn’t believe that she has chosen the right man for her. chapter 17 summary Josie gets to know her father more than ever over the holiday that they had together in Adelaide. â€Å"You sound like Mama†, I said, standing up through the sunroof.Josie enjoys the time that she spends with her father in Adelaide and meeting the rest of her family for the first time in seventeen years. This chapter reveals that Josie likes being with her father because she feels like she has known him for her whole entire life. When Josie gets back she sees Jacob on Saturday night and he tells her never to leave him again. chapter 16 summary Josie wags school on friday to go on a date with Jacob Coote. He leaned over and kissed me quickly. â€Å"what was that for? † i asked, embarrassed, but laughing. â€Å"I like the way you talk, I like the way you think. So much passion behind those bifocalled eyes.So much to say†. This chapter reveals that Josie is really opening up to Jacob and letting him into her life, and the same thing goes for Jacob he is letting Josie into his life and telling each other what they have done and what their families are like. chapter 15 summary Josie goes out with the girls to darling harbour after school, at the cafe` they see Jacob, Anton and four of their friends cramp themselves in to the booth behind them much to the dismay of Anna and Josie. â€Å"Listen, we’ll start over again, Okay, I looked into his clear green eyes which always seemed so warm and sincere no matter how bad he looked at times†.Eyes, my mother told me, never lie. This chapter reveals that Josie starts to like Jacob again even though he treated her like he did on their date to the movies. when Josie gives Jacob a second chance he asks her to wag school with him so they could go out on a proper date. chapter 14 summary Josie meets up with John barton again and give each other their pieces of paper with their emotions written on it. John talks to Josie about the fact that his father hates him at the moment just because he didn’t win the maths competition. My father was home when i got there this afternoon . Went through my mail. He owns m y life so of course he is entitled to open my mail,† he spat out bitterly. after John finishes telling Josie about what his father think s about him at the moment they decide to talk about the HSC and that they have to write what they are feeling at the moment and then they have to give it to someone else and then after the HSC the person that they gave the note has to ask them how they are feeling and read out what they felt before the test.In this chapter we are shown Josie’s feelings for John Barton again, we are also shown that Josie cares about what John does with his life and tries to help him with his pro blems. chapter 13 summary Josie goes out on a date with Jacob Coote but ends up spending the night with her father Michael Andretti. â€Å"Just because you had to meet my mother, you went and acted like a prick. Why? † â€Å"Okay, this is my proposition. How about you come work for me at the chamber? You can do photocopying and help the secretaries,† he suggested.Josie starts to dislike Jacob Coote because he was being a snob to her and her mother when he came to pick her up so they could go to the movies, when they got to the movies they started to have a fight and then Josie ran off and hid in one of the arcades and when she thought the cost was clear she ran out of the movies and started to walk home when she was being followed by a car, when it pulled up next to her she shouted at the driver saying that her father was a police officer and the person driving said actually he’s a Barrister, Josie jumps in the car and has dinner with Michael Andretti at a pizza place on Glebe point road.In this chapter we get to see a father, daughter relationship build and start to get strong we also get to see Josie’s true feelings towards her father, she feels that she wants to know him more but at the same time she doesn’t want to because what he did to her mother over seventeen years ago. chapter 12 summary Josie ask’s her grandmother to show her the photos of when she was young and her past. â€Å"I regretted it when i saw the look of glee on her face. Because the way Nonna makes my mother feel , I hate making that women happy. † Even hough Josie doesn’t like to make her grandmother happy she still tried to pay attention when she was telling her stories behind all the photos, Josie screeched when her grandmother told her that her first Australian friend was a hunk, but when her grandfather had found out that her grandmother had an aussie over about every day he got jealous and said she was never to see him again. I n this chapter we get to see that Josie tries to be nicer to her grandmother. chapter 11 summary Josie talks to her mum again and ask’s if she can go to the movies on saturday. Is that what all this buttering up has been all about† after telling her mother that she wants to go to the movies with Jacob Coote, her mother says that she will think about it. this chapter reveals that Josie has strong feelings for Jacob Coote more than ever because not only did he protect her after she as hurt by Greg Sims and she liked that he was being a protective person. chapter 10 summary Josie gets raped by Greg Sims and his posy. â€Å"He grabbed me by the front of the uniform and slobbered all over my mouth and i could hear Anna scream and pull me away while the bile rose in my throat†.Jacob Coote comes to comes to Josie’s aid while she is being forced upon by Greg Sims. In this chapter we are shown that not only can Josie be mean and cruel to other people, Jacob Coote c an also be just as mean and cruel to people. When Jacob drops Josie off she tells him that if he wants to go out with   her that he has to meet her mother, Jacob puts up a fight but in the end he gives in and ask’s her out to the movies on saturday night. chapter 9 summary Josie fights with her mum. â€Å"I don't like the fact that you're going out with him again. Josie doesn't like it when her mother leaves her at home alone just so she can go out with a guy, Josie doesn't want her mum to get married because she just wants it too be the two of them until they die. The chapter reveals that Josie loves her mother but she also doesn't want to hurt her by doing the wrong things. Josie has her moments with her mother every now and then, but they usually end up hugging each other or if it doesn't go well they don't talk to each other for a while. chapter 7 summary Josie goes to her grandmothers house because her mum is going out for the night. Oh God, Ma, I have to sleep in the same bed as her. She doesn't shave her legs. † Josie learns a lot about her grandmother that night that she sleeps over, she told Josie that she used to look exactly like her when she was her age, she also told Josie that she was forced to move to Australia with her husband and that meant that she would probably never see her family again. This chapter reveals that Josie starts to develop a stronger relationship with her. chapter 8 summary Josie brakes a girls nose. we are introduced to one of the beautiful girls Carly Bishop â€Å"they were all wogs. hey seem to be ever where,† she snickered. â€Å"I'm just the same as them and I'd appreciate you not going on about wogs every day. It offends me†   In this chapter we get to see a father daughter relationship develop between Josie and Michael Andretti. the chapter reveals that Josie does have feelings for Michael Andretti even though she told him to stay away from he he still came to the rescue when she called. chapter 6 summary Josie meets her father for the second time. â€Å"I don't want her,† he said flatly. oth Josie and Christina had a fight with Michael Andretti, first it was Christina who told Michael that they didn't want anything to do with him, then later on in the day Josie followed him into the lounge room and watched him look at all the photos that her grandmother had all around the place, Josie told him that if he ever hurt her mum that he would be in a lot of trouble. This chapter reveals that Josie feels anger and hatred towards Michael Andretti because he left her mum when she was young and didn't try to contact her since then. chapter 5 summary Josie goes to the regional dance.Jacob Coote gives Josie a ride home on his motor cycle even though Josie knows that if her mum found out that she did she was going to be dead or one of the people in another car saw her and recognized her they would tell her grandmother and she would tell her mother. â€Å"My mother will murder me†. â€Å"she'll find out alright†. this chapter reveals that Josie starts to develop a strong relationship with Jacob Coote. â€Å"do you know that I've been in this country my whole life and I've never spoken to an aboriginal†. chapter 4 summary Josie works with Poison Ivy at the debating night.We are introduced to John Barton. â€Å"To walk into the regional   dance with John Barton would make me the envy of every snob at St Martha's†. This chapter reveals that Josie shows her feeling for just more than one particular boy. she likes to flirt a lot with boys that she hasn't seen for ages or just met. chapter 3 summary Josie hates to go to her grandma's house because its her family ritual only because her mum makes her. We are introduced to Josie's father Michael. â€Å"Michael! my heart began to pound at one hundred miles per hour and I could feel the hairs at the back of my head standing up on end†.This chapter reveals that Josie feels hate towards her grandmother because she sayed that the daughter's behaviour always reflects on how good the mother is. chapter 2 summary Josie speaks about AIDS at the ‘Have A Say Day'. Josephine has friends such as Sera, Lee and Anna, who influence her life greatly. We are introduced to Jacob Coote at the ‘Have A Say Day' â€Å"†¦. If your an outcast with your own kind, you'll never be accepted by anyone†. â€Å"No matter how much I hate Poison Ivy, I want to be in her world†. This chapter shows more about Josie's relationship with her friends and how she deals with her family life.For days I just couldn't help thinking about my father. I felt sick at the idea of meeting him, though at the same   time I desperately wanted to. chapter 1 summary The reader is introduced to the main character and narrator of the story, Josephine Alibrandi. as a reader we find out that Josie goes to St Martha's high school. The narrator is a typical teenager who worrie s about issues such as peer pressure and relationships with others and teachers. â€Å"My biggest problem though, is being at a school dominated by rich people†¦ ho i can't see having a problem in the world† This chapter shows how Josie feels insecure because she is an outsider. My Mother was born here so as far as the Italians were concerned we weren't completely one of them. Yet because my grandparents were born in Italy we weren't completely Australian. Whole Book Summary ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ is a story about a young girl, growing up in Sydney in the nineties. The only side of life to create any hassle is that she is Italian, with an Italian mother, grandmother and father, somewhere, growing up in an Australian world.Throughout the book, she spends her entire year twelve either at her home or at her grandmother’s, school or suburban areas, learning about herself and making friends. The main character, Josephine Alibrandi, or Josie, is a feisty a nd head-strong seventeen year old. She received an English scholarship at the beginning of highschool to go to a strict, Catholic college, St. Martha’s. She is very intelligent academically and can achieve excellent grades when she applies herself. She is also the vice-captain at St. Martha’s to Ivy, an Australian favourite of all, whom she calls Poison Ivy.Most of her friends from primary school didn’t end up there, so she has made new friends, although most of the school is from the rich, Australian side of Sydney. She has only just introduced boys as a major part of her life, mostly involving Jacob Coote from the state school and forming a friendship with John Barton, from the Catholic boy’s school. Josephine was born illegitimately to a seventeen year old Christina Alibrandi. The father, a boy of the same age named Michael Andretti, had to move away to Adelaide with his family before she was born. There was a part of him that knew Christina had gone t hrough with the pregnancy, however he as scared and not prepared for a child. Michael had to come back to Sydney when Josephine was seventeen for his work as a barrister and bumped into Christina at a wedding. Michael Andretti is stern and serious. Even Josephine notes him as â€Å"a worrier†. They have separate lives, he has a good job and a girlfriend. By the end of the story, they have grown close and he had gotten her out of trouble many times, like when she smashed Carly Bishop in the nose with a textbook and when she was wondering the streets alone after she stormed out of her date with Jacob Coote.He begins his life with her by saying that he doesn’t need any ‘complications’ and that it is all going perfectly without an ‘obnoxious creation’. Eventually they get to know each other and Josey works at his law chamber and begins to consider changing her last name to Andretti. Christina Alibrandi, Josie’s mum, is supportive of her dau ghter and has raised her on her own for her whole life, with the occasional help of her mother. Jacob Coote said: â€Å"You [Josephine] come across all tough and fearless while on the inside you’re a softy. She [Christina] comes a across a softy, whereas deep down she’s tough and fearless. Christina can be strong and honest when she needs to be and will do what she thinks is right, like suggesting to her daughter, the first time she met Jacob Coote and he was acting like a pig, that she didn’t think it would be good to let her go out with him again. She also is known to compromise, in letting Josie go out with him after she saw he’d smartened up a bit. She is like Josie, a dreamer. She says herself, â€Å"I wasn’t a rebel Italian [when I had you], I was a naive Italian. † She’d give her very life for her daughter and she loves her mother very much, despite not admitting to it.Katia Alibrandi, known as Nonna to Josie, is the mother of Christina. She felt things too, just as her daughter and grand-daughter; she describes herself as a youth to have been a â€Å"gypsie†. When she was younger and came to Australia with her husband, she was alone in the outback with little knowledge of the language. She had the help of an Australian man, Marcus Sandford, who loved her dearly and would do things for her, seeing as her husband would be away on work. She did not pursue a relationship with him; people were talking as it was. â€Å"People will talk† is the quote that she practically lives by.The Italian community are known to ‘talk’. He came into her house one day and Christina was born nine months later. Marcus was going to take her away where nobody knew them, however, seeing as she’d defied her marriage so much, she at least had to stay with her husband. Her husband had lied to her all of these years, he could not have kids, however they stayed together. Nobody knew about Christinaâ₠¬â„¢s illegitimacy, Katia distanced herself from her because of it, until Josephine figured it out after finally taking interest in her grandmother, and she never told anybody.Katia and Josie develop a good relationship, even though Christina must never know. Katia was strong and has memories, even though she is old-fashioned, just like how she would never accustom herself to Josie’s Australian boyfriend, who she has no knowledge of. Jacob Coote is the captain of Cook State Highschool. He is â€Å"deep and meaningful when he wants to be† in the words of Josie. He is with the ‘in’ crowd at Cook High. He has his pick of the girls and is popular and athletic. Jacob bullied Josephine when she was younger, not her specifically, however that was how life worked.He then falls for her and defends her, he beats Greg Sims when he tries to rape her and his friends, her friend, in the McDonald’s car park where she worked before the law chamber. They go through their fights, however they have high prospects in their relationship by the end of the book. Jacob’s mum died when he was young. It did hurt him, however he tries to move on from it. He does think about it, sometimes, however he is contented in his life otherwise. He now lives with his dad, who drinks a bit, and has an older sister of about 24 years of age with her own family now.Of course he naturally has prejudices against John Barton. John Barton grows up in a prissy world and has all of the doors open to him. He does enjoy it sometimes, however it isn’t really what he wants to do with his life. He is expected to do well; while Jacob and Josie aren’t expected to get far, and he’s prefer that. Ivy Lloyd, or Poison Ivy, decides that she owns him. John does quite like Josephine though. He tries to be diplomatic with things, although he does not want to enter politics as everyone expects him to.By the end of the book, he commits suicide with a drug overdos e right before his year twelve exams. That ruined the story for me, made me cry. Ivy and Josie begin to accept each other, however they are hurt as he was a true friend to them both. I can almost relate to John Barton, not the suicide, however in means of having pressure on him and having to meet expectations. I can understand that, because it is so real. All of these characters are real and this story is only too possible. The Italian Empire, where â€Å"people will talk† is real. It is very humorous actually, because it relates so much to my own life.Illegitimacy being the end of the world, and how gossip can start in one place and everybody know. I understand the gender stereotypes and the important role of religion, in when Katia cannot leave her husband. It is fairly old-fashioned and stubborn, the things that Josie is restricted from doing, however that seriously is life, no doubt about that. You’d have to be there to know it, and I’m there. I’m a l ot like Josephine. I can see how things aren’t fair, however I am able to accept them because decisions are made for me for my own good. Josephine says, â€Å"No way, Mama. If you say no I’ll accept it. I also do think, like Josephine does, that the entire world is crumbling around me and I can be a little inconsiderate at times, accidently of course. I’m learning about myself and growing up, just as she is. Only I’m not in year twelve yet, and I’m not in a leadership role, as much as I like to be a leader. The story is basically about growing up, which can be a challenge in itself, however the main complication is that she is Italian in an Australian world as previously outlined. It creates expectations and a way of life that may have been ethical in Italy, however not so in Australia.Also, the Italians here haven’t modernised with the Italians back there. Things that seem ordinary here just won’t flow with the Italian community, th ings like widows and women with children marrying, and two unmarried people living together, problems that both Katia and Christina face, and that Josephine will too unless she can run from it as she says she will, â€Å"I’ll run one day. Run for my life. I’ll run to be free and think for myself. † There isn’t really a resolution, except that Josie learns to accept who she is.She may still want to run, however, for the time being, she is happy with it. She even says that it will be a part of her forever, her nationality, and even if she dislikes it sometimes it will always make her who she is: â€Å"You can’t hate what you’re a part of. What you are. I resent it most of the time, curse it always, but it will be a part of me till the day I die. † Josie grows up, that is how it all works out. She learns more about the world around her, like the hardships that both her mother and her grandmother went through, and she becomes more aware o f the world around her.A major turning point is after the death of John, she suddenly realises that her life will always be what it is, and her deciding to get along with Ivy is another way of saying that she has gotten more mature, and that she understands. In the story, the way things progress, how relationships develop, and the steps that Josephine takes to grow up, all happen through the things that she encounters. She begins her journey at a public event where every school has to make a speech. Josephine represents her school, as Ivy is too busy talking to the Premier of the entire state.There she meets Jacob Coote and doesn’t really know what to think about him, however he is impressed by his speech on the vote. However, she hardly considers herself interested, despite everyone, including herself, finding him attractive. We then meet her grandmother and get a glimpse of her family life. She sees her father for the first time when he shows up at her grandmother’s house, however they do not converse, as ‘Nonna’ does not know who he is, and he’s only an old neighbour so far. There is inter-school debating and Josie talks to John Barton. He is friendly and Josie gets along with him well.They decide they will see a movie together for school. He would have been her ideal boyfriend. Ivy comes and steals him away, despite the fact that he is reluctant to go with her. He doesn’t get a chance to be with her at the school dance a while afterwards, being caught up with Ivy, seeing as he is in that crowd with her. Josie dances with Jacob Coote, who gives her a lift home on his motorbike, as much as she’d rather not ride on it. She finds out that his mother died when he was younger. He tries to kiss her, however she refuses, they agree that they are from two different worlds and he leaves on good terms with her.Next is Josie’s second encounter with Michael Andretti at her grandmother’s house. She speaks to him after her mother. Everyone is very clear that they want nothing to do with him. It is then that her grandmother realises who is and his relation to the family, at that, she decides she would not want to see him again, however she doesn’t cause a fuss. Josie stays with her mother overnight and learns more about her. She begins to take an interest after realising that her grandmother was a seventeen year old once too.She arrives at school and attends class where she overhears Carly Bishop bagging people of European descent, calling them ‘wogs’ as an insult. Josephine had taken it for years and finally had gotten sick of it. They argued and then Josie hit her with her ‘Concepts of Science’ textbook. She calls Michael Andretti, as he is a barrister to help her, seeing as she’d probably have been expelled and sued. He comes to her rescue, even though they’d agreed to never speak to each other again. On Friday, Josie speaks to Sister Loui se, the headmaster of her school, as scheduled.She realises that she does care and notices that she’s human, despite being a nun. Her mum goes out on a date for the first time. Josie and her grandmother are furious, however her mum has a good time and Josie accepts that. Whilst working at McDonald’s with her friend, Anna, Greg Sims, a boy who teased her as a child, enters with her friends. He would have been rude to her, however police came in to buy something so he leaves her be. They wait for her and Anna in the car park; they are ready to rape them both. Jacob Coote is just passing by with his friend, Anton, and he sees what is appening. He beats the living daylights out of Greg Sims. Anton takes Anna home, and they are quite fond of each other. Jacob takes Josie home. He asks her out, she considers it and decides to ask her mother. He agrees to meet her, only he’d never do that any other time and dislikes the idea. She talks to her mother who agrees to let h er go out with him. Curiosity gets the better of Josephine as she asks her grandmother to see photos and to tell her about her life. She finds out about how she met Marcus Sandford in a post office and he would help her, seeing as she was alone in the country.When her husband found out, he was furious and didn’t want to let her see him anymore. On Saturday, she goes on her date with Jacob. He is a pig to her mother in spite of the fact that he has to meet her. The date lasts ten minutes and she storms out of the cinema complex before even entering the movie. On the long walk home, her father is driving past and picks her up to go and get pizza. He tells her that ignoring her existence won’t make her go away and they begin to develop an understanding relationship. Her mother is not angry, only she isn’t too keen on Jacob Coote.Josie is enjoying her job at Mac Michael and Sons law chamber. Her joy is shattered when she has coffee with John Barton ant they talk abo ut life. He worries, her, saying things like, â€Å"I don’t think I want to live this life anymore, Josie. † She is extremely worried and they decide to write on a piece of paper the way they feel and keep each other’s so that they can read them after graduation. It gives him a little hope, however she is still extremely concerned. Josephine talks with her friends and tells them that she’d like to be a barrister when she grows up.Jacob Coote asks her out on another date. They decide they will wag school for it, not that she’d have ever dreamed of doing so in a million years. There won’t be any mother-meeting this time. They have a wonderful time and share in their first passionate kiss. On the mid-term holidays, Jacob gets a car. Her mum is supportive of them being together. There is the St. Martha’s Walk-a-thon. Josie leaves with her friends and is in major trouble with Sister Louise because it meant that the little kids were unsuper vised. She goes to see that movie with John and Jacob sees them there.They argue but they get over it. A couple of weeks later she is at his house for the first time. He would have liked to have sex with her, and she refuses it. After some conversation he accepts it. She finds out about Marcus Sandford being her real grandfather and promises not to tell if her grandmother accepts Michael Andretti. She talks to John Barton and he is cheery and happy and the day later at her year twelve exams she finds Ivy crying that he had killed himself. It is sad. She reads the note he wrote earlier that year and realises that it was what he wanted to do.She attends the funeral. Jacob was also torn up; he was taking it harder than Josephine. He felt had something in common with John, somewhere, and he’d experienced death before and this probably reminded him of his mum. Only now I realise that he was happy because he knew he would do it. He even said only the day beforehand, â€Å"Iâ€℠¢ve got my whole future planned out the way I want it to be and there is nothing anyone can do to take that away from me. † It is sad, but also a good thing in a sense. It is what he wanted. I think Josephine learns to accept it a little at the end.At the beginning of this book review, I though the ending was ridiculous and too sad. Now I understand more that it was really what John Barton wanted to do, kill himself. He was really looking forward to being able to run free, just like Josephine always said she’d wanted to do, even if that meant death for him. I like the ending, now I do. I now like that there was a challenge in figuring that out. Besides that, I liked that Jacob and Josephine ended up having a caring relationship and that they became incredibly happy. I like happily ever afters.Throughout the book, I enjoyed that they were always able to become friends again after a fight. It made the book a lot more exciting. I also enjoyed how the book exhibits how rela tionships developed throughout the novel. It was interesting to read about the way emotions develop between characters, specifically Josephine and her father. It was thrilling to read how they learn things about each other and accept each other in their lives, and the way that the Alibrandi’s become comfortable with him. It is also good to see how Josie takes interest in her grandmother and she can confide in her.I’d change the time she spends with her friends. I’d like them to have played a more prominent role, or not be included in the story, as they add little to the plot. It would’ve made me happy if she did not skip school. It just ruined a little of the part of her that I though resembled myself. I thought I’d have liked to change that John died. I now would not change that, it adds an important lesson for Josephine to learn on her journey of growing up. Death is something she had to learn to accept. However it could be in the blurb, it would ruin the story a little, although a warning would be nice for the light-hearted.I’d have liked if Melina Marchetta would elaborate more and explain how he saw his death was ‘running free’. I wouldn’t have understood if I hadn’t written this essay. I learnt more about death from reading this. That pretty much sums it up. I never saw suicide as a relief or an escape, although it apparently can be. I picked up on a few facts that I’d have found in a history book, they were another factor that kept me engrossed in reading. This would be a good book for somebody of European descent. It made it highly enjoyable for me as so much is only too true.It could possibly be aimed at someone a little older than myself, somebody who certainly has the insight to deal with suicide and not let it get to them. It has to be taken maturely, so possibly it would be a good story for the sixteen-and-up age group, however it does matter on the individual. ‘Look ing for Alibrandi’ by Melina Marchetta is an extremely wonderful book, definitely worth reading and re-reading. It gave me a lot, and I can understand why people made such propaganda about reading it. I rate it ‘I

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

New Product Launch Marketing Plan Essay

This paper will discuss the details market profiles, key buying behaviors, and decision motivators for the consumers and organization target markets. It will explain how to manage each stage of the PLC and tactical plans for the Four P’s at each stage. It will also provide the product mix for the new offering of features and benefits, branding, and any other products in line; it will show the differentiating characteristics from competitive or substitute products, packaging and labeling, and warranties and guarantees. In addition, this paper will discuss how the company will create a new positioning statement for the product, and provide justification for the new positioning strategy. Product Mix It is believed that many users will eventually start to look for alternate products created by Q-saver. For this reason after the first year of successful operation Q-saver will provide a mix of products for consumers. Q-saver will develop handheld scanners called Q-saver light to be attached to key-chains that will serve the same purpose of the smartphone app, but available for those who were not interested in using their smart phones. Another product to be offered is a digital website subscription called Q-saver virtual that will be available for consumers to see the breakdown process of discounts for products offered amongst retailer to retailer. The benefits of the two new product offerings are convenience, variety, and knowledge to support the mission to provide consumers with the greatest set of discounts by using Q-saver for their shopping needs. The Q-saver branding label will be adhered to the new products Q-saver light and Q-saver virtual. The addition of the new products w ill provide a convenient unique approach to saving. Differentiating the characteristics of the Q-saver  features the company will make surveys of recent buyers to analyze the consumer value set against the company cost for the different features. Q-saver will consider how many people want the feature, and how long it would take to introduce it and whether the competitor could certainly copy it. The company will also consider in terms of bundles or packages, as well as consider feature customization at a higher price or a many standard packages at a lower price (Kotler, & Keller (2012). Q-saver will differentiate products by customizing them. As Q-saver continue to increase it will gather information of each individual consumer and the business partner (retailers, suppliers, and distributors) the factories are designed for more flexibility. Q-saver will meet each customer requirement as individuality designed service, products, and communication (Kotler, & Keller, (2012). Q-saver packing the design for the consumer of the product. It will be attractive the consumer will want to displayed it at their home. Q-saver is a unique packaging and has a resealed spout that will bring big benefits to the consumer and profit Q-saver. Q-saver package will: Recognize the brand Q-saver Transport expressive and influential data Enable Q-saver shipping and security Storage Benefit Q-saver consumption Q-saver will choose color of packaging that carries meanings and the culture and market segments. Q-saver labeling will identify it brand and promote the product through it attractive graphics. Q-saver responsible for having a warranty statement for returned to the manufacturer or designed repair place for all repairs, replacement, or returns. Q-saver guarantees reducible risk. Q-saver has the highest quality and it service performance are dependable. The guarantee will assure the buyer of the quality and stability of Q-saver product (Kotler & Keller, (2012). Positioning For the diversified shopper, short on time, Q-saver provides the knowledge of savings and variety with the convenience of different stores and products. Q-saver is not affiliated with just one or two stores. The smartphone and  tablet app provides access to a wide variety of stores and products, providing access to current sales promotions, brand coupons, availability and so on. The objective is to position the app in the coupon app industry to best serve the market segments concerned with time management, savings and variety. Q-saver differentiates itself from competitors by providing access to a wide array of different stores’ information as well as sales promotions, providing guidance to what promotions can align with what manufacturer coupons to get the best savings, providing services such as scan and compare, the comparison of savings with consideration of other stores and so on. The application will constantly be evolving to better serve the well-informed shopper; requesting feedback and most importantly, acting on the feedback to provide the best product possible. In conclusion, the product will give details of target market profiles, behaviors and motivators’ for the organizational target market. It will explain the tactical plans of four P’s at each stage, and explain the features benefits and all differentiating characteristics for the competitive or substitute products, packaging and labeling, and warranties and guarantees. Also, create a positioning statement, which will provide justification for new positioning strategy. Reference Choosing a Product or Service to Sell. (2014). Retrieved from: Kotler, P., & Keller, K.L., (2012). Marketing management(14th.ed) Upper Saddle River. NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall What is competition in marketing?- definition, types & quiz (2003-2014). Retrieved June 22, 2014, from defintion-types-quiz.html#lesson What is an offering in marketing. (2014). Retrieved from: Reference Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2011). Marketing management: analysis, planning, and control(14th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.